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He graduated in composition from the Szent István Zeneműveztezi Zakőzépskola, then obtained two degrees at the Liszt Ferenc University of Music, conducting, and then conducting,_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Gal Tamás and Ligeti as a student of András . From 2002 to 2004, he was a teacher at the University of Theater and Film Arts .

From 2006 as an orchestra pianist, from 2008 to 2016 as a conductor and tutor, he contributed to the performances of the Budapest Operettstheater.

Conductor of such successful productions as Miss Saigon, Rebecca, Mozart!, Elisabeth, Beauty and the Beast, The Queen of the Tavern, The Kissing Woman, Romeo and Juliet, Madame Pompadour, Marie Antoinette, A Flower for Algernon, Abigail. He is the musical director of Bohém Casting, Veled, Uram!, A kaukazusi kretakör, Váltságdíj and Narcisz és Echo. for small operas, The Story of a Mother c. opera (first performance: Miskolc Opera Festival), Land of Smiles, Beautiful Summer Day, Ghost, Fame and Gone with the Wind - he made his debut at the Szeged Outdoor Games with this performance.

It is attributed to I. Professional supervision of Szilveszter Lévay International Musical Singing Competition . He won the podium at the Aranypálca - Imre Kálmán International Conductor Competition, and also received the special prize of the MTVA.

Abroad, he led the Latvian Symphony Orchestra, and in Hungary such great orchestras as the Concerto Budapest Orchestra, Szeged Symphony Orchestra, Hungarian Radio Symphony Orchestra and the Kodály Philharmonics.

From 2016, he is the conductor of Stage Entertainment GMBH, he has worked at the Theater des Westens Theater in Berlin, the Apollo Theater in Stuttgart, the Musical Dome in Cologne and the Deutsches Theater in Munich. From 2018, he is the deputy music director of the Palladium Theater in Stuttgart. From 2020, he returns to Hungary and continues to work as a freelancer. He starts writing as a consequence of the pandemic, his first book was published by Kalligram Publishing House on October 20, 2021 under the title Marionette Phenomenal. He also completed the National Film Institute's Genre Screenplay training, his first work will be a full-length animated film based on the dramatic poem Csongor és Tünde by Attila Dargay and Mihály Vörösmarty.


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